

Our master authentication system had its database server wedge hard
causing a lack of replication to the slaves and problems with dialup
and DSL authentication.

Initial problem began approximately 3:04AM, all systems are
operational again at 8:00AM with the master database back online and
all slaves reconnected.

Logfiles on the master authentication system are lacking in any
detail, last log message was from yesterday afternoon with the
following log message for 8:00AM this morning.

I am looking into the database system right now.

Support can be reached Monday thru Friday from 8:00am until 8:00pm,
Saturdays from 11:00am until 4:00pm via phone at 612-337-6340, or via
email at [log in to unmask]

Mike Horwath                                    [log in to unmask]
                         ipHouse - Welcome home!