

One of the spool servers that handles backend article storage for is currently down and being worked on.

This issue could take up to a couple of hours to resolve.

The problem is unknow, but logs show a problem with one of the RAID
filesystems returning I/O (input and output) errors.

The server has been rebooted remotely, if it does not return soon, I
will be traveling down to the equipment room tow ork on the server and
bring it back online.

During this time, will only show approximately 1/2 of
the articles available.

Support can be reached Monday thru Friday from 8:00am until 8:00pm,
Saturdays from 11:00am until 4:00pm via phone at 612-337-6340, or via
email at [log in to unmask]

Mike Horwath                                    [log in to unmask]
                         ipHouse - Welcome home!