

Multiple failures occured this evening with the spool servers for
binary messages.

First problem was a 4 drive failure on one of the disk arrays.  Why 4
drives were marked as 'bad' or 'missing', I do not know, but
everything is rebuilding right now and things are working, albeit very
slow for some article retrieval.  This server is recovered and is
currently catching up on the backlog of messages - this will take
another 90-180 minutes (1 1/2 hours to 3 hours).

Second problem was that 2 SCSI controllers in the second spool server
also died and needed to be replaced.  This was a very odd failure to
occur and took me 45 minutes to debug.  This server recovered quickly
and is fully online.

Support can be reached Monday thru Friday from 8:00am until 8:00pm,
Saturdays from 11:00am until 4:00pm via phone at 612-337-6340, or via
email at [log in to unmask]

Mike Horwath                                    [log in to unmask]
                         ipHouse - Welcome home!