

If you do not know what a UNIX shell is - you may skip this message.

This message is being sent to the outage list, and individually to all
users of our current UNIX shell system.

For a long time, ipHouse has offered access customers a complimentary
UNIX shell account on an aging FreeBSD 4 system.

New services have been put into place that allow me to retire the old
server in an smooth manner.  The server 'helium' probably won't be
missed much.

The old UNIX shell server will be decommissioned at the end of March,
2010.  An exact date hasn't been set.  I'll send another announcement
later with details and a concrete date before this happens.

If you are a UNIX shell user on our current shell server

AND you are reading this message...

AND would like to convert yourself over to the new systems sooner
rather than later...

please send an email to [log in to unmask] so that we can set you
up and you can migrate your files yourself.  We'll include hostnames
and instructions for the new servers once your account has been set

Otherwise, keep an eye out for the subsequent email detailing the
cutover period and what will be happening on the day of cutover.  You
*will* need to change your hostname on the day of cutover to log into
the new host(s).  Instructions and details will be sent at the
appropriate time.

The general support team at ipHouse does not offer any official help
with the UNIX shell services - as of today, any support requests must
be sent to the email address above and either Doug or I will respond.

Thank you.

Support can be reached Monday thru Friday from 8:00am until 8:00pm via
phone at 612-337-6340, or via email at [log in to unmask]

Mike Horwath      ipHouse - Welcome home!       [log in to unmask]
        The universe is an island, surrounded by whatever it is
        that surrounds universes. - Berkeley Fortune