

ipHouse is sponsoring Wordcamp MSP on November 13, 2010.

Wordcamp is an all day event for bloggers using WordPress.

This is a highly energized learning and sharing event for local
WordPress enthusiasts.  Whether you are new to WordPress or a savvy
veteran, there will be opportunities to share your experience and/or
learn from the pros.   The common thread of Wordcamps are expert
speakers, spontaneous discussions, idea sharing, and networking.
Our resident blogger, Genevieve Ruebel, will be speaking on her blogging
experience and "Finding a Topic" to blog about.  After her session, come
visit with us at our booth, we have some excellent swag to give away!

For more information:

To register:

By the way, did you know that ipHouse is a sponsor of the Minnesota
Roller Girls?

The next bout is Saturday, November 20th, 2010 at the world famous Roy
Wilkins Auditorium.  Skating begins at 7:30PM and we hope to see you

For those less inclined to the rough and tumble of roller derby, the TC
Makers are having an Clothesline Race-o-rama on November 20th, 2010.

Think of it as an aerial soap box derby.  Details are at:

This event will be held at the Minnesota Hack Factory (which, btw, we're
a proud sponsor). This competition is open to anyone and Make Magazine
is giving away some fabulous prizes.

For more information on the Minnesota Hack Factory, check out:

While not an event, ipHouse is looking for a guest blogger (or two!) to
post on the ipHouse blog.

The topic for November, 2010 is:

	Living with constant distraction - how to deal with the mashup of
	entertainment and productivity.

If you or anyone you know would care to write a blog post on this topic,
please have them contact [log in to unmask]

ipHouse Announcements
331 2nd Ave S, Suite 540, Minneapolis, MN 55401  F: 612-337-6337
Official Blog: