

This whole DNS thing on a router discussion is funny.

I can use DNS to figure out an area for the IP in question...

I can enter said IP into a separate query afterwards to find an area in question...

Which is faster for finding the info I am looking for?  Be realistic.

I have used DNS in my routers and switches since IOS supported such.  Funny, so has Doug :)

Sure, you can add latency to your output but it doesn't slow the packets down, and I sure as hell cannot memorize the Internet to figure out which city I am in or which provider I'm crossing.
That extra few ms here and there still outruns copy/paste click submit every time.

Perhaps a company could run dedicatd nameservers for their networking gear, or just run better nameservers on their infrastructure. Yah, i know that sounds condescending but I don't know a better way to phrase this this morning.

Mike Horwath via iPad 2, electric boogaloo!

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