

The memory is too fragmented on one of our routers, c7200-1, and we
are worried it is bad enough to crash it at an inopportune time. We've
seen some monitoring and bgp issues showing up on it very recently.

This router services some T1 customers and some DSL customers and
a few others with slightly odd configs.

We are going to reboot this router early Sunday morning 1/29/12 at
02:00AM CST to clear everything out. We'll monitor everything to 
ensure it comes back up cleanly.

If you have any problems or questions please let us know at
[log in to unmask], or call us up at 612-337-6340.

Thank you.

Doug McIntyre                            <[log in to unmask]>
          -- ipHouse/Goldengate/Bitstream/ProNS --
       Network Engineer/Provisioning/Jack of all Trades