

I am at Nanog until the Beer and Gear, and then I am off to Capacity in


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Owen DeLong <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I would hope someone more knowledgeable than I will be available to
> represent MICE during the peering BoF, but if you guys want me to do so,
> tell me what you want said. I'll be there anyway.
> Owen
> On Oct 19, 2012, at 3:53 PM, "Koch, Andrew" <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> > I will be in Dallas next week for NANOG.  I see there are a few other
> names on the attendee list that are MICE participants.  Make sure to say
> hello, especially if you haven't yet renumbered your peering session and
> want confirm it is up after you make the change -- nudge, nudge.
> >
> > Is anyone planning to represent MICE during the Peering Track?  There
> has typically be a few minutes for IXes to provide updates on goings-on.
>  Might be a good time to put our name out there and show an example of what
> community supported peering can accomplish.  I'd be willing to do so,
> unless Jay or someone else already has cared for this.  If you would like
> for me to do this, can someone share an editable copy of the MICE
> presentation?
> >
> > Andy Koch
> > TDS Telecom - IP Network Operations
> > [log in to unmask]
> > Desk: 608-664-4694
> > Cell: 608-616-0072
> >
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Reid Fishler
Hurricane Electric


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