

On 1/8/13 at 10:00PM CST and lasting upwards of an hour, we'll 
be upgrading code on our Tegile SAN units to the latest code to
fix some preformance bugs we've discovered lately.

The Tegile SANs services customers on the SV and VDC virtual machines,
as well as some managed colocation machines with SAN storage. 

We'll be doing rolling updates between the controller heads, so 
downtime shouldn't be noticed by most. There have been a handful of
customers that have timeout issues with a controller cutover (also
looking to be fixed by this code base) that we will monitor for and
take online again.

We'll monitor our network and ensure that the upgrade finishes and
everything is restored.

If you have any problems or questions please let us know at
[log in to unmask], or call us up at 612-337-6340.

Thank you.

Doug McIntyre                            <[log in to unmask]>
          -- ipHouse/Goldengate/Bitstream/ProNS --
       Network Engineer/Provisioning/Jack of all Trades