


Just a quick, last reminder of our meeting tomorrow

*Date*: Thursday, July 24th
*Time*: 2:00 pm (1400 Hours) David Farmer has the facility reserved until
*Location*: University of Minnesota, Duluth campus, Griggs Center, located
in the Kirby Student Center (KSC)

We have discussed a web attendance option.  I don't have that information
handy right now and I'll send it as soon as I get confirmation.

Attached is the current agenda, if you have any other items you would like
added to the agenda, please drop me a note prior to the meeting and I'll
get them on there!

Thanks and see you tomorrow!


*Shaun Carlson*Network Engineering Manager | Arvig
ph: (218) 346-8673 | em: [log in to unmask]


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