

I agree with a coop exchange, all members are equal. As I have stated
before, I am in favor of a billed amount thats small, per member, but that
we do NOT turn members off for non-payment. However we need to get the 501c
status settled first, which is happening.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 12:12 AM, Jeremy Lumby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Just to add my two cents.  When I start to go down someone else's rabbit
> hole of thought about value, and peering, this is what I come back to.
> I feel that everyone's traffic should be valued equally.  My 1 Meg should
> be of no different value than someone else's  No traffic direction should
> be more important than another.  Remember the most common methods of
> communication on this exchange are a 2 way conversation.  A server
> typically does not send traffic unless a client requests it.  I want
> everyone to pay a fair price for what they are getting.  This also
> discourages wasting of resources since it makes it much less likely to go
> for a 10G port out of convenience when peak traffic will be around 100M,
> and 1G port is much more affordable, and a better fit.  Almost no one
> expects to get anything for free, that goes beyond the realm of nonprofit,
> and into charity.
> If you agree with these or not, you can look at the opposite to see what
> happens.  Carriers that value their bandwidth different than others,
> typically do not peer on exchanges like MICE.  They like to make money on
> both ends of the pipe, which usually leads to private peering
> disputes/de-peering, and allowing links to saturate in an attempt to prove
> a point.  We all know who these carriers are, and their mindset does not
> match what I believe a cooperative exchange is all about.  I have made a
> conscious effort to limit how much transit I buy from companies like these,
> and when the sales people call, my answer is usually along the lines of
> talk to me when you change your peering policies.
> Jeremy Lumby
> Minnesota VoIP
> 9217 17th Ave S
> Suite 216
> Bloomington, MN 55425
> Main: 612-355-7740 x211
> Direct: 612-392-6814
> EFax: 952-873-7425
> [log in to unmask]

Reid Fishler
Hurricane Electric