

Reminder: UG 32 is on Wednesday of next week (July 17) at 3:00pm

Remote Conferencing: 952-562-5400 passcode MICE (6423)

Location Details:

Cedar Falls Utilities
1 Utility Pkwy
Cedar Falls, IA


The agenda is attached. I'm behind on getting this out, so I didn't send
a separate call for agenda. If you have something to add, let me know
ASAP and I'll send an updated agenda.

As this is an "away" meeting, I intend to skip the repeat old business
items. We can pick those up in October.

As far as I know, we have no other technical committee report this
meeting; if anyone is planning on giving a technical committee report,
please let me know.

I've also taken the liberty to reorder things a bit. The idea here is to
group business (official reports and things that could involve a
motion/vote) before open discussion. This way, people who are not
interested in the discussion can leave earlier if they wish, confident
that they won't miss an official motion/vote. By shortening the
"mandatory" part of the meeting, this may make the meetings more
accessible. I'd like to give this a try for a couple meetings and see
what people think.

That said, with this being the summer outreach meeting, we traditionally
cover "What is MICE?" first. I kept that at the top, rather than putting
it after adjournment.
