

Anyone else connected to Hurricane's RST router noticing major congestion?
It looks like the RST-BLP-MSP path is down and traffic is being diverted to
CHI first or DVN-OMA.

Any speedtests to ISP's like MiBroadband or KMTelecom that are connected to
RST are fine but any tests outside of that like to US Internet or Carleton
College, I'm seeing under 2 Mbps download speeds and 20% packet loss.

I reported it to Hurricane at 7:39pm but it's been ongoing longer than
that. I called 10 minutes after I emailed their NOC and the lady there
wouldn't transfer me to an engineer and just said they'd reply to my ticket
after they looked. I stressed the urgency since our traffic levels are only
50% of what they should be right now.

Darin Steffl
Minnesota WiFi
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