

On 2023-12-22 08:00, Michael Hare wrote:
> Ack'ing this is a negotiated feature, buyer beware for those who turn 
> it on and are using prefix-limits on their BGP sessions.
Prefix limit is a fair point.

> Is there a graph or can you provide a one time count of the current 
> RIB sizes on the RS?
Here is how it changes (as viewed by my AS just before I sent the 
original email):

Before: 107271

After: 113441

> I am in favor adding the feature, but I’m not sure if 1 week spacing 
> is enough to prove stability.
If your concern about 1 week spacing is related to prefix limits, then I 
think we will be fine. I can look at who has a session up before, make 
the change, and see if anyone's session goes down. If so, I can contact 
them specifically.

If your concern about 1 week spacing is just a generalized concern, do 
you have a suggestion of what sort of period would be appropriate?
