On 11/2/10 12:52 PM, "Nevin Lyne" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>Nevin, is v6 available as well?
>> I don't think he is doing IPv6 yet.
>> Nevin - if you want to do this, I can help you, just a virtual change on
>> the F5 boxes and need to push down some IPv6 networks to you.
>> Backend can stay IPv4 - the F5 boxes will do the right thing.
>Actually will need to also do testing with our TippingPoint IPS and
>Juniper firewalls on the IPv6 front, so not just the F5s in play of
>course its on our project list to discuss with you though.
Haha, forgot about those devices!
Everyone - if we want IPv6 up - I need to know, I can work with Steve and
Nevin to move the files and all the jazz that goes along with it.
I can then set things up on our stuff, including IPv6 layering.
Mike Horwath ipHouse - Welcome home! [log in to unmask]
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