On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Steve Howard <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> CNS will provide the TwinGig "carrier" modules.
> I hadn't given the cross-connect much thought. I suspect that CNS would
> be willing to pay for one cross connect. That seems like it would be
> fair since everybody else has to pay for a cross connect also. Does
> that model of copper switch support a small number of fiber connections
> so that we can use fiber to connect to it?
I'm not sure that the make and model of the switch in the core has
been 100% determined. I think all of the options had a couple of fiber
ports available. There were a couple of questions on required sup
cards in the 4500 for 10G and also on the physical size of the 4500.
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